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Freelance market

in Poland 2023

Who hires freelancers and why, where to search for them, and which tasks stay in-house? What dominates: freelancing or full-time work, and how will this situation change in coming years? Answers to these and many other questions can be found in the latest report, prepared by IQS Research Group and HI on Demand experts headed by Natalia Wasyluk.
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This e-book is for...

founders, CEOs, CFOs or entrepreneurs to whom freelancers can significantly improve the profitability of businesses,

marketing directors or marketing managers who quickly need core competencies to meet their marketing goals and KPIs, but don't want to hire people full-time year-round,

HR professionals struggling with the huge amount of recruiting meetings and paperwork involved in hiring "full-time."

Download if you want to know...

where are SME representatives and marketing professionals looking for freelancers?
what HR professionals and marketers pay special attention to when working with freelancers?
how to get the maximum benefits from working with freelancers?
where to look for the best freelancers?

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